Contact Us
Ready to embark on a journey of empowerment and support?
Contact us to learn how we can help you or your loved ones thrive.
+27 79 651 9660


School support

Job opportunities
General Questions
What does your online learning courses entail?
We design our courses to help you better understand autism from a practical perspective – how can we help autistic individuals in everyday life? We offer courses that include theory, practical activities and easy-to-use templates to help guide you every day. Furthermore, the courses also includes downloadable visual aids and lists of resources and activities you can access.
Is it an online class or self-paced courses?
We offer self-paced courses, which means you can learn in your own time and schedule. The courses are independent self-study, however our team is available to answer any questions you have during the course via email.
In which languages do you offer your courses?
Currently, we offer our courses in English and Arabic with other languages soon to follow.
I am looking for a therapist for my autistic child, can you help?
I am looking for an au pair that has experience with children with disabilities, can I advertise my job opportunity on your page?
Yes, we are happy to connect you with someone.
I am an experienced au pair / school facilitator / therapist. Can I offer my services on your page?
Yes, we are happy to connect you with opportunities. Please email us your CV.
What if I suspect that I or my child is autistic?
If you feel as though you, your child, or someone you care about is on the autism spectrum, it is recommended that you speak with your general practitioner (GP) to start the diagnostic process.
What do I do after I or my child receives a diagnosis of Autism?
The first step to take is to educate yourself. For parents, the more they know, the more they are going to feel that they have the ability to help their children. There are a lot of resources that can help you to prepare you, which is another benefit of our online course, which helps to inform, prepare and action a plan of intervention from within your own home.